• Blog of the month

    Classroomtm is the blog of the month. It is run by Stephen Lockyer, who is a Deputy Head in Kent. You can follow him on twitter @MrLockyer. The site holds a collection of educational ideas and concepts including books, articles and Drop boxes. Within the Dropbox section there is access to a wealth of resources and ideas, separated into whole school and subject specific.

  • Resource of the month

    Ski Slope Learning allows for people to get to the same end result from different starting points. If you think about ski slopes there are several different degrees of difficulty, with green being the easiest and black being the hardest, however no matter which route you take you always get to the bottom. This method allows pupils to work at their own individual paces and has differentiated routes to ensure all pupils achieve the learning objective. The ski slope method also provides the opportunity for pupils to work independently and allows for rapid progressions.

  • How to share

    Do you have a great resource, idea or article about teaching and learning? If so please email a short explanation, any documents and any images about the resource to northfieldtl@northfieldssc.org.

  • Up and coming events

    Teachmeets are an opportunity for teachers to share ideas with other teachers. In a busy day, you rarely have time to have in depth conversations with other colleagues, let alone share resources. Volunteers are welcome to present their ideas in slots ranging from three minutes to seven. Come along and share good practice. All school teachers are welcome, please follow the link to sign up.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Plan for Outstanding

Plan for an Outstanding Lesson

`When inspectors observe teaching they observe students learning.’

Plan for Outstanding
Know what outstanding means.
·         All students made rapid and sustained progress.
·         Teachers have high expectations of all students.
·         Teachers consistently check understanding
·         Teachers engage and motivate students.

To achieve outstanding
·         Develop independent resilient learners.
·         Use LSA effectively.
·         Assessment is an integral part.
·         Challenge the most able.
·         Use technology to make an impact on learning.
·         Effective collaboration.
·         Effective classroom management.
·         Share criteria co-success.

In Advance
·         Tell the students – they will be on your side.
·         Make the classroom safe, tidy and ordered.
·         Ensure resources are ready.
·         Have a detailed lesson plan + seating plan showing current attainment, targets and identifying students groups for example FSM, SEN, pupil premium.
·         If a LSA will be present share the plan.
·         Share your lesson plan, talk it through with a colleague.

The Lesson

·         Prepare the room, ensure students have all the equipment they need on desks.
·         Connect the learning – have a starter ready for them straight away. 
·         The starter that primes them for learning.

Teach for Progress

·         Share learning outcomes linked to attainment/grade.
·         Use words linked to thinking skills to define lower level and higher level.
·         High expectations of all students.

Present New Information.
·         Use range of activities.
·         Ensure there is pace and variety.

Construct, Understand, Demonstrate

·         Challenging activities.
·         Collaboration students work together independent of teacher.
·         Engagement – students on task.

Review (Plenary)
·         Ensure that the review links to learning outcomes and demonstrates/measures students’ progress in lesson.
·         Cut short other activities if necessary – demonstrate progress.
·         Refer to attainment levels regularly build into language of lesson.
·         Promote literacy + numeracy skills.
·         Use mini-plenaries to establish learning and when to intervene.
-          High order questions
-          Open ended questions
-          Classroom management of questions

Outstanding schools have an `Consistency of approach’ which is shared by all staff.

The students
Students will be asked current attainment and target level.

Questions the students will be asked
·         Can you read it to me?
·         I don’t understand can you explain it to me?
·         Is it always like this?
·         Do you enjoy the lesson?
·         How have you found the work this lesson?
·         What have you learnt today?

·         Do you get opportunities to act on the feedback from the teacher in your book?

By Gill Lamb


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